Myths about your period | Jen Gunter, Md

Is your menstrual cycle normal? How is the pill affecting your body? How do you sort science from snake oil? These are questions that many women have but might not have the resources to answer. Join me as I sit down with Dr Jen Gunter, a renowned expert in women’s health, to answer these questions […]

What twins can teach us about healthy eating | Christopher Gardner, PhD

Vegan vs. omnivore: learn about the Netflix documentary You Are What You Eat and the associated twin study with lead researcher, Christopher Gardner PhD. From publication, this study gained major media attention that was only amplified by the release of You Are What You Eat. With popularity comes criticism, in this case from some big names in online […]

Is high cholesterol on a keto diet a problem? | Dave Feldman and William Cromwell, Md

Some people follow a ketogenic diet seeking to lose weight, feel more energised, or gain control over their eating habits. Others may turn to this diet in an effort to treat conditions such as epilepsy, bipolar disorder, diabetes and inflammatory diseases. Regardless of their reasoning for adopting this eating pattern, a key question remains: is […]

The latest science on protein | Nicholas Burd, PhD

For many of us looking to achieve athletic goals and age healthily, protein is something that is regularly front of mind. Join me in Episode #310 as I sit down with Associate Professor Nicholas Burd, a muscle physiologist and researcher, to discuss the latest scientific evidence on protein. From selecting your protein source to choosing […]

Optimising testosterone levels in men | Dr Adam Hotchkiss

Testosterone: we hear it thrown around constantly as the silver bullet for curing all kinds of symptoms. Join me in Episode #309 as I sit down with Dr Adam Hotchkiss, podiatric physician and foot surgeon turned human optimisation specialist, to answer all your burning questions about testosterone, TRT, steroids, and more. This is an important […]

Religion, spirituality and eating animals | Kameron Waters & Kip Andersen

How would Jesus kill an animal? Join me in Episode #308 as I sit down with filmmakers Kip Andersen and Kameron Waters to discuss their positions on how religion and veganism intersect. This is an intriguing conversation that reflects on what it means to question the status quo. “If [someone is] genuinely interested in seeing […]

Discovering the true currency of life | Robin Sharma

According to Robin Sharma, eight factors define wealth – and only one of them is money. In Episode #307, I’m joined by this leadership expert and bestselling author to unpack what it truly means to be wealthy. From examining Robin’s morning routine to reflecting on the importance of being brave, this thought-provoking conversation shines a […]

Exercise, nutrition and recovery for women | Alyssa Olenick (Part 2)

Last week, Dr Alyssa Olenick joined me in Episode #305 to offer a wealth of insight into how women can design an optimal exercise program. We discussed training frequency and intensity, how cycle-synching might not be the best approach, and what to eat to support your training program. Today, we continue that conversation to hone in […]

How should women approach exercise? | Alyssa Olenick, PhD (Part 1)

Learn how to transform your fitness approach in Episode #305, a masterclass on female-specific exercise strategies with Dr Alyssa Olenick. With most mainstream exercise guidance based on research primarily undertaken on men, this episode offers much-needed insight into how women can optimise their training program. “Don’t think of your session as a time that you’re […]

The #1 key to happiness and living longer | Marc Schulz, PhD

Your friends, family, and partner are helping you live longer. Why? And how? Discover the true importance of relationships in Episode #304 with clinical psychologist and scientist Professor Marc Schulz, where we unpack the results of the Harvard Study of Adult Development and how relationships are shaping your health more than you might think. Marc […]