Shuttle test and how to calculate your VO2 Max

From the author of The Proof is in the Plants and creator of The Proof Podcast, Simon Hill

Beep Test and Vo2 Max

A comprehensive guide on how to conduct the Beep/Shuttle test and how to calculate your Vo2 Max based on your results.

Meet the Author

Simon Hill

Simon Hill is a physiotherapist, nutritionist, and author on a mission to help people make informed lifestyle choices. With a love for science and the qualifications to translate it properly, he makes health and nutritional information simple and accessible.

Simon began his health career as a physiotherapist, graduating with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) in 2008 at La Trobe University. He immediately began working as a sports physiotherapist in Melbourne, both with professional AFL and VFL football players and at a leading private practice.

Over time, Simon became increasingly interested in the role nutrition plays in nourishing the body and preventing disease. Using the research skills developed during his honours degree, he dove deep into the available literature on nutrition and disease, quickly becoming fascinated by the sheer volume of research available. This research proved that simple lifestyle changes could prevent – and sometimes even reverse – many of the leading chronic diseases that plague our Western world today.

However, it was clear this research-backed evidence was being drowned out by the myriad of marketing ploys pushed by “wellness” industries prioritising profits over public health. Concerned by this, Simon decided to shift paths in his career and returned to study a Master of Science in Human Nutrition at Deakin University. During this time, he established his podcast and began hosting world-renowned doctors and public figures who shared their significant expertise in translating the latest research into actionable lifestyle recommendations. Simon also took on the role of nutrition expert for Chris Hemsworth and his wellness community, Centr.

Over the past decade, Simon’s mission has become increasingly clear, to help others live longer and experience more years of healthy life. He believes the best way to do this is by utilising research to explore the nuance inherent in nutrition science and tap into expert knowledge to dispel myths, reduce uncertainty, and ultimately, feel confident in the choices we make every day

In 2021, Simon published his first book, The Proof is in the Plants, with Penguin Random House, which makes a case for a plant-based, whole-food diet, drawing on all the latest nutrition research. His hope is that by collating the evidence into one place, more of us can work together to create a healthier, more equitable, and united world.

As of 2023, his podcast, The Proof with Simon Hill, has been listened to over 30 million times. As a natural evolution of Simon’s curiosity and science-driven mindset, The Proof extends beyond nutrition to other crucial lifestyle factors that impact our well-being.

He is also now facilitating 6-day-long immersive longevity experiences where a small group of people can learn firsthand how to optimise their physiology to live better for longer. The first of which is in September on the East Coast of Bali.

Search The Proof

From the author of The Proof is in the Plants and creator of the Proof Podcast, Simon Hill

2-Week Meal Plan

Plant curious? Experience the benefits of eating more plants with this 2-week plant-based meal plan! Not only will eating this way reduce your risk of chronic disease in the long-term, it will leave you feeling better today, too.