Hi Friends,

When I first started studying nutrition, I, like many others, felt overwhelmed by how many different views exist.  Certain folks advocate for low carbohydrate diets while others vehemently tout low fat diets as most optimal.  Some say red meat causes cancer while others say it’s a healthy part of an ancestral diet.  Some say we need milk for calcium and strong bones while others say milk is associated with prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease.  Some say focus on the food we eat while others say the most important thing is counting calories.  And so forth.  It’s hard to know where to begin.

So with this in mind I understand that it’s highly likely you have landed on this page and are thinking “why should I trust this guy?” over everyone else?  After all, with so many different opinions out there it seems that nobody really knows what they are talking about!

I’m going to be straight with you.  When you think of nutrition I bet you think of a certain few health professionals who have very strong opinions about what the SINGLE healthiest diet is? Or the best bio-hacking supplement?  The problem with this is that there are no absolutes in science. Anyone selling you a SET formula is doing so because absolutes sell.  Package something up, put it into a program and create a marketing funnel.  If I wanted a transaction to take place on this website – I would do the same, that would be the ‘evidence based’ way to turn folks looking for nutrition information into paying customers.

I have come into this space from a different angle to most.  I’m not here to profit and that’s why all of the information on this website is 100% free and why 100% of the revenue I receive on my book (published early 2021) will be donated to various charities.  I fell into this space with one intention – to understand what nutrition science tells us when we look at it without any agenda other than truly understanding how nutrition affects human health.  I did so, because my father has had multiple heart attacks (one I witnessed first hand as a 15 year old) and so did his father, my grandfather.  I wanted to understand, is my fate tied to my genetics or can I change my lifestyle and give myself a better chance of living a long healthy life?  Heck, I could have ended up landing on an all animal based ketogenic diet – but that’s not what the science tells us is healthy (far from it actually).

So I guess this is the point where you get to make a decision. If you are just wanting to buy a program, or a magic pill, this isn’t the website for you.  Science is nuanced but explainable.  I’m not going to tell you to “eat this” and “do this program”.  Instead, I’m going to explain the science to you in a digestible and highly transparent manner so you can learn to critically analyse it and then make your own informed decisions.  While it’s not black and white, it’s very clear.

Never just listen to an expert and believe what they say without some skepticism.  Including me.  Healthy skepticism is a good thing. Particularly in a space such as nutrition where more often than not, it’s about money not your health.

So what’s the healthiest diet?  I’m glad you asked.  That we shall uncover together in-depth within the podcasts, blogs and content I post on social media each week.  To not completely disappoint – the healthiest diet is defined not by a label (we love labels these days) but rather a set of characteristics or a theme.  This theme is consistent throughout the literature.  The bonus?  Shifting your diet will not only benefit your own personal health, but the planets too.

While I remember, on the topic of weekly content, it’s a good idea to sign up to the weekly newsletter where I keep subscribers up to date with new content as soon as it’s published.

Now I’m hoping that given you’ve made it to the final paragraph we can move forward.  If so, welcome to the Plant Proof community – it’s a pleasure to have you on board.  The community is incredible – a diverse range of individuals from all over the world passionate about understanding science and making more informed decisions about the food we put on our plate.

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From the author of The Proof is in the Plants and creator of the Proof Podcast, Simon Hill

2-Week Meal Plan

Plant curious? Experience the benefits of eating more plants with this 2-week plant-based meal plan! Not only will eating this way reduce your risk of chronic disease in the long-term, it will leave you feeling better today, too.